2025 Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship in Harvard University | How to Apply

Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship in Harvard University
Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship in Harvard University

Are you an aspiring MBA student looking for a prestigious and generous scholarship opportunity? If yes, then you might be interested in the 2025 Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship at Harvard University. This scholarship is granted once every two years for a two-year course at one of the world’s most renowned business schools. In this post, we will give you an overview of the scholarship, its benefits, eligibility, application process, selection criteria, and some tips to help you create a compelling application. We will also answer some of the commonly asked questions about the scholarship and provide you with some testimonials from previous scholarship recipients.


Background of the Boustany Foundation


The Boustany Foundation is a philanthropic organization established in 2006 by Nabil Boustany and his son Fadi. The Foundation is present in Switzerland and Monaco and has a vision to create a world where everyone can access quality education and healthcare. The Foundation is actively engaged in promoting and managing scholarship and aid programmes for talented and promising individuals in various fields of study. The Foundation also supports research and innovation in science, technology, and medicine. The Foundation has made significant contributions and had an impact on education, especially in the fields of business and management.


Overview of Harvard University's MBA Programme

Harvard Business School (HBS) is one of the world’s leading institutions for business education and research. HBS offers a full-time MBA programme that prepares students to become leaders in the global business environment. The MBA programme at HBS is known for its rigour, diversity, innovation, and excellence. The programme consists of two years of coursework, case studies, field projects, and experiential learning opportunities. The programme also offers students the flexibility to customise their curriculum according to their interests and goals. Some of the unique features and strengths of the MBA programme at HBS are:

  • The case method: The case method is the primary mode of teaching and learning at HBS. The case method exposes students to real-world business problems and challenges them to analyse, discuss, and propose solutions. The case method also develops students’ critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills.
  • The global perspective: The MBA programme at HBS has a strong global orientation and prepares students to operate in diverse and complex markets. The programme offers students the opportunity to participate in global immersion programmes, exchange programmes, field courses, and treks. The programme also attracts students from over 70 countries and fosters a rich and diverse learning environment.
  • The alumni network: The MBA programme at HBS has a powerful and influential alumni network that spans across industries, sectors, and regions. The alumni network provides students with mentorship, guidance, support, and opportunities. The alumni network also organises events, reunions, and conferences for students and alumni to connect and collaborate.


Details of the 2025 Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship

The 2025 Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship at Harvard University is a highly competitive and prestigious scholarship that offers the following benefits and coverage:

  • Financial aid amounting to 75% of the tuition fees (US$102,200 or US$51,100 per year)
  • Travel and accommodation expenses related to the internship with the Foundation
  • Leverage the Foundation’s relationships and resources

The scholarship is open to candidates of any nationality, but priority will be given to candidates of Lebanese descent. The scholarship is awarded for a two-year course at Harvard Business School, commencing in autumn 2025.


The eligibility criteria for the scholarship are:

  • Candidates should have outstanding academic achievements and demonstrate great potential.
  • Candidates must have received an offer of admission from the Harvard MBA programme.
  • Candidates must demonstrate a strong interest in and commitment to the Foundation’s mission and values.

The application process and requirements for the scholarship are:

  • Candidates need to submit their resume with a photo, GMAT results, and university acceptance letter to admissions@boustany-foundation.org 
  • Candidates must be shortlisted and invited to an interview with the Foundation.
  • Candidates must be selected and awarded the scholarship by the Foundation.

The deadline for the submission of candidatures is May 31, 2025. The scholarship awardees will be made known in the month of June in the year 2025.


Testimonials from Previous Scholarship Recipients

The Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship at Harvard University has been awarded to several outstanding individuals who have gone on to achieve remarkable success and impact in their academic and professional journeys. 

Here are some of the testimonials from previous scholarship recipients:


  • Joachim de Belgique, Class of 2019: "The Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship was a life-changing opportunity for me. It enabled me to pursue my dream of studying at Harvard Business School and to learn from the best professors and peers in the world. The scholarship also gave me the chance to intern with the Foundation and contribute to its noble cause of supporting education and healthcare. I am very grateful to the Foundation for its generosity and support."
  • Brian Santana, Class of 2018: "The Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship was a great honour and privilege for me. It allowed me to access a world-class education and to develop my skills and knowledge in business and management. The scholarship also provided me with an invaluable network and mentorship from the Foundation and its partners. I am very thankful to the Foundation for its trust and confidence in me."
  • Claire Belmont, Class of 2017: "The Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship was a wonderful opportunity for me. It helped me to finance my studies at Harvard Business School and to explore new horizons and possibilities. The scholarship also connected me with the amazing community and culture of the Foundation and its affiliates. I am very appreciative of the Foundation for its kindness and generosity."


How to Apply

If you are interested in applying for the 2025 Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship at Harvard University, here are some steps and tips to help you create a compelling application:


Step 1:

 Apply for the Harvard MBA programme and receive an offer of admission. You can find more information about the Harvard MBA programme and its application process here.

Step 2: 

Prepare your curriculum vitae, GMAT scores, and acceptance letter from the university. Make sure that your curriculum vitae highlights your academic achievements, professional experiences, and personal interests. Also, ensure that your GMAT scores are competitive and reflect your potential. Finally, include a copy of your acceptance letter from the university as proof of your admission.

Step 3: 

Send your application materials to admissions@boustany-foundation.org by May 31, 2025. Write your email in a clear, brief, and professional manner. Also, attach your documents as PDF files and name them appropriately.

Step 4:

Wait for the shortlisting and invitation for an interview with the Foundation. If you are shortlisted, you will be contacted by the Foundation and invited to an interview. The interview will be conducted either in person or via video call, depending on your location and availability. The interview will assess your fit and suitability for the scholarship and the foundation.

Step 5: 

Prepare for the interview and impress the foundation. Before the interview, do some research on the Foundation and its activities and projects. In the interview, show that you are confident, honest, and keen. Show your passion and motivation for the scholarship and the foundation. Also, demonstrate your academic excellence, leadership qualities, and community involvement.

Some tips for creating a compelling scholarship application are:

  • Start your application early and give yourself enough time to prepare and polish your materials.
  • Follow the instructions and guidelines carefully and adhere to the format and word limit. 
  • Check and correct your documents for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Seek feedback and advice from your mentors, peers, or professionals.
  • Be yourself and showcase your personality, strengths, and achievements.


Selection Criteria

The selection of the scholarship recipients will be based on the following factors:

  • Academic performance and potential
  • Professional experience and achievements
  • Personal interests and goals 
  • Fit and alignment with the Foundation’s mission and values
  • Leadership skills and abilities 
  • Community involvement and contribution

The Foundation will consider the overall quality and merit of the candidates and their applications. The Foundation will also seek to maintain balance and diversity among the scholarship recipients in terms of nationality, background, and field of study.


Q&A Section

Here are some of the commonly asked questions about the 2025 Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship at Harvard University and their answers: 

  • Q: What is the number and frequency of the scholarships?

Answer: The scholarship is granted once every two years for a two-year course at Harvard Business School. The number of scholarships available may vary depending on the availability of funds and the quality of candidates.


  • Q: What is the duration and value of the scholarship?

Answer: The scholarship is awarded for a two-year course at Harvard Business School, commencing in autumn 2025. The scholarship offers financial aid amounting to 75% of the tuition fees (US$102,200 or US$51,100 per year) and travel and accommodation expenses related to the internship with the Foundation.

  • Q: What is the internship with the Foundation, and what are the expectations and responsibilities of the scholarship recipients?

Answer: The internship with the Foundation is a two-month unpaid internship that takes place during the summer break between the first and second years of the MBA program. The internship exposes the scholarship recipients to the Foundation’s activities and projects and allows them to contribute to its vision and mission. The internship also provides the scholarship recipients with networking and learning opportunities with the Foundation and its partners. The scholarship recipients are expected to complete the internship with professionalism, dedication, and excellence. They are also expected to maintain good academic standing and performance throughout the MBA programme and to uphold the values.


  • Q: What are the obligations and expectations of the scholarship recipients after completing the MBA programme?

Answer: The scholarship recipients are expected to remain in contact with the Foundation and to report on their progress and achievements after completing the MBA program. They are also expected to support the Foundation’s activities and projects and to act as ambassadors and mentors for future scholarship recipients.


  • Q: How competitive is the scholarship, and what are the chances of getting it?

Answer: The scholarship is very competitive and selective, as it attracts many qualified and talented candidates from around the world. The chances of getting the scholarship depend on the quality and merit of your application and your fit and alignment with the Foundation’s mission and values. The Foundation will consider all aspects of your profile and application and will make the final decision based on its discretion and judgement.


Closing Remarks

We hope that this post has given you a comprehensive and informative overview of the 2025 Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship at Harvard University. This scholarship is a rare and exceptional opportunity for aspiring MBA students who want to pursue their studies at one of the world’s best business schools and to join a community of excellence and impact. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, we encourage you to start your application as soon as possible and to follow the steps and tips we have provided. We wish you all the best in your application and your academic and professional endeavors. Remember, the deadline for the

Submission of candidature is May 31, 2025. Don’t miss this chance to make your dreams come true! 🙌


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