Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024

Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024
Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024

Are you interested in cultural exchange and international collaboration? Do you want to enhance your intercultural skills and professional expertise? Do you wish to explore the diverse and dynamic culture of Germany? If yes, then you should apply for the Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany in 2024!

The CrossCulture Program (CCP) is a prestigious fellowship program that offers young professionals and committed volunteers from different countries and regions the opportunity to expand their horizons and gain new perspectives through intercultural dialogue and learning. The program is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFRA).

The 2024 Fellowship in Germany will enable selected fellows to spend eight to twelve weeks in Germany, working with a host organization that matches their field of interest and expertise. The fellows will also participate in various activities and events that will enrich their cultural and professional experiences. The fellowship will cover all the costs and provide comprehensive support to the fellows throughout the program.


About the Cross-Culture Program

The Cross-Culture Program was launched in 2005 as a means to foster mutual understanding and cooperation between Germany and other countries and regions through cultural and civil society exchange. The program aims to strengthen the networks and competencies of individuals and organizations that are engaged in promoting dialogue, diversity, human rights, democracy, and social justice.

The program has supported more than 800 fellows from over 40 countries and regions since its inception. The fellows have contributed to the development of their host and home organizations and communities through their knowledge, skills, and ideas. The program has also created a vibrant and active alumni network that continues to collaborate and exchange ideas on various topics and issues of common interest.


Eligibility Criteria

The Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 is open to applicants who meet the following criteria:

  1. They are citizens of one of the eligible countries or regions (see the list [here]:
  2. They are between 23 and 45 years old at the time of application.T
  3. hey have at least two years of professional or voluntary experience in a relevant field. 
  4. They have a good command of English, the working language of the program. 
  5. They are motivated to actively contribute to the intercultural learning and dialogue process. 
  6. They are willing to share their experience and knowledge with their host and home organizations and communities.
  7. They are able to complete the entire duration of the fellowship.

The program strives to ensure diversity and inclusivity in the selection of fellows. Therefore, the program encourages applications from women, people with disabilities, and members of minority or marginalized groups.


Fellowship Details

The Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 will take place between April and December 2024. The exact dates and duration of the fellowship will be determined in consultation with the selected fellows and their host organizations.

The fellowship will consist of the following key components and activities:

  • Working with a host organization in Germany that matches the fellow's field of interest and expertise. The host organization will provide the fellow with a meaningful and challenging work assignment that will allow the fellow to learn from the host organization's experience and best practices, as well as contribute to the host organization's goals and objectives.
  • Participating in various seminars, workshops, and trainings that will enhance the fellow's intercultural and professional skills and competencies. The seminars will also provide the opportunity for the fellows to network and exchange ideas with other fellows, alumni, experts, and stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds.
  • Engaging in cultural and social activities and events that will expose the fellow to the diverse and dynamic culture and society of Germany. The activities and events will include visits to cultural and historical sites, museums, festivals, exhibitions, and other places of interest.
  • Completing a project or a publication that will reflect the fellow's learning outcomes and the impact of the fellowship. The project or publication will be presented and disseminated to the host and home organizations and communities, as well as to the wider public.

The fellowship will cover all the costs and provide comprehensive support to the fellows throughout the program. The benefits and support will include: 

  • A monthly stipend of 550 euros to cover living expenses in Germany.
  • A round-trip flight ticket from the home country to Germany and back.
  • A travel health insurance for the duration of the fellowship.
  • A visa fee reimbursement. 
  • A relocation allowance of 200 euros.
  • A public transportation pass for the city of residence in Germany. 
  • A mentorship and guidance from the host organization and the IFA team.
  • An access to the online platform and resources of the Cross-Culture Program.


Application Process

The application process for the Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 is as follows:

  • Fill out the online application form [here] ( 
  • Upload the required documents, such as a letter of motivation, a CV, a letter of recommendation, and a passport copy.
  • Submit the application by the deadline of 31 January 2024.
  • Wait for notification of the pre-selection results by March 2024.
  • If pre-selected, participate in an online interview with the IFA team and the potential host organization in April 2024.
  • If selected, receive the confirmation letter and the fellowship agreement by May 2024.
  • Prepare for the departure and arrival in Germany by June 2024.

The selection process and criteria for the Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 are based on the following factors:

  • The relevance and quality of the application and the documents.
  • The alignment of the applicant's profile and interests with the program's objectives and goals.
  • The potential impact and benefit of the fellowship for the applicant, the host and home organizations, and the communities involved.
  • The availability and suitability of the host organization in Germany.
  • The diversity and balance of the fellowship cohort.


Alumni Experiences

The CrossCulture Program Fellowship in Germany has been a life-changing and rewarding experience for many of the past fellows. Here are some of the testimonials from the alumni: 

  • "The CrossCulture Program Fellowship was a great opportunity for me to learn from the best practices and experiences of my host organization in Germany, which is a leading institution in the field of media and journalism. I was able to improve my skills and knowledge in digital media, investigative reporting, and media literacy. I also gained valuable insights into German culture and society, as well as the global issues and challenges that affect us all. The fellowship has opened new doors and possibilities for me and my career." Fatima, a journalist from Pakistan who worked with Deutsche Welle in Bonn in 2019.
  • "The CrossCulture Program Fellowship was an amazing experience for me to work with my host organization in Germany, which is a renowned organization in the field of human rights and democracy. I was able to contribute to their projects and campaigns on various topics, such as gender equality, minority rights, and civic education. I also learned a lot from the seminars, workshops, and trainings that enhanced my intercultural and professional competencies. The fellowship has enriched my personal and professional development and inspired me to continue my work and advocacy in my home country."  Ahmed, a human rights activist from Egypt, worked with Amnesty International in Berlin in 2020.
  • "The CrossCulture Program Fellowship was a wonderful experience for me to work with my host organization in Germany, which is a prominent organization in the field of culture and arts. I was able to participate in their activities and events that showcased the diversity and creativity of the German culture and arts scene. I also shared my own culture and arts with them and the public through my project and publication. The fellowship has broadened my horizons and perspectives and strengthened my passion and appreciation for culture and the arts." **Maria**, a cultural manager from Colombia who worked with Kulturprojekte Berlin in 2021.

The impact of the fellowship on the personal and professional development of the alumni is evident in their success stories and career advancements. Some of the examples are:

  • Fatima was awarded the Agahi Award for the Best Investigative Journalist in Pakistan in 2020. She also received a scholarship to pursue a master's degree in journalism at the University of Oxford in 2021.
  • Ahmed was invited to speak at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva in 2021. He also founded a non-governmental organization that promotes human rights and democracy in Egypt and the region in 2022.
  • Maria was selected to be part of the Young Cultural Innovators Forum of the Salzburg Global Seminar in 2022. She also became the director of a cultural center that fosters intercultural dialogue and collaboration in Colombia and Germany in 2023.


Cultural Integration and Learning Opportunities

The Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 will provide the fellows with various opportunities to integrate and learn from German culture and society. The opportunities will include:

  • Language and cultural training: The fellows will receive intensive German language and cultural training at the beginning of the fellowship. The training will help the fellows communicate and interact with their host organization and the local community. The training will also introduce the fellows to the basic aspects and values of German culture and society, such as history, politics, economy, education, religion, and customs.
  • Networking events and community engagement: The fellows will attend various networking events and community engagement activities that will enable them to meet and connect with other fellows, alumni, experts, and stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds. The events and activities will also allow the fellows to share their own culture and experiences with the German public and to learn from the diverse. 
  • Exploration of German culture and society: The fellows will have the opportunity to explore the rich and diverse culture and society of Germany through their own interests and curiosity. The fellows will be able to visit and experience various places and aspects of Germany, such as the historical and modern architecture, the natural and urban landscapes, the arts and music scene, the cuisine and festivals, the sports and leisure activities, and the social and political issues and movements.


Partnerships and Collaborations

The CrossCulture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 will be supported by various partnerships and collaborations with different organizations and institutions in Germany. The partnerships and collaborations will include:

  • Collaborating organizations and institutions in Germany: The fellows will work with a host organization in Germany that matches their field of interest and expertise. The host organization will be a reputable and influential organization or institution in the public, private, or civil society sector that is engaged in promoting dialogue, diversity, human rights, democracy, and social justice. The host organization will provide the fellow with a meaningful and challenging work assignment, as well as mentorship and guidance throughout the fellowship. The host organization will also benefit from the fellow's knowledge, skills, and ideas, as well as from the intercultural exchange and learning process. Some of the examples of the host organizations and institutions in Germany are:
  • Deutsche Welle: is the German international broadcaster that provides news and information in 30 languages and reaches more than 200 million people worldwide. The broadcaster also offers various programs and initiatives that support media development, media literacy, and media freedom. 
  • Amnesty International: is the global movement of more than 10 million people who campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. The movement also conducts research and advocacy on various human rights issues and challenges, such as torture, the death penalty, refugees, and women's rights.
  • Kulturprojekte Berlin: The non-profit organization that initiates, supports, and implements projects and programs that foster the diversity and creativity of the Berlin culture and arts scene. The organization also organizes and participates in various cultural events and festivals, such as the Berlin Biennale, the Long Night of Museums, and the Berlin Art Week.
  • Support from the German government and other stakeholders: The fellows will receive support and recognition from the German government and other stakeholders who are involved in the CrossCulture Program. The support and recognition will include:
  • A letter of invitation and endorsement from the German Federal Foreign Office, the main funder and supporter of the program. 
  • A certificate of completion and appreciation from the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFA), the main implementer and coordinator of the program.
  • A visa facilitation and fee reimbursement from the German Embassy or Consulate in the home country of the fellow.
  • A public transportation pass and a relocation allowance from the host organization or institution in Germany. 
  • An access to the alumni network and the online platform of the CrossCulture Program.
  • Building international networks through the fellowship: The fellows will have the opportunity to build and expand their international networks through the fellowship. The networks will include:
  • Other fellows and alumni of the CrossCulture Program from different countries and regions who share similar interests and goals.
  • Experts and stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds who are involved in the seminars, workshops, and trainings of the program.
  • Representatives and members of the host and home organizations and communities who are engaged in promoting dialogue, diversity, human rights, democracy, and social justice. 
  • Friends and acquaintances from German culture and society who are interested in the intercultural exchange and learning process.


Closing Thoughts

The CrossCulture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 is a unique and valuable opportunity for young professionals and committed volunteers from different countries and regions to enhance their intercultural skills and professional expertise, to explore the diverse and dynamic culture and society of Germany, and to contribute to the dialogue, diversity, human rights, democracy, and social justice in the world.

If you are interested in applying for the fellowship, you should not miss this chance and submit your application by the deadline of January 31, 2024. You can find more information and details about the program and the application process on the official website of the CrossCulture Program [here] (

The Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 is looking forward to receiving your application and welcoming you to the fellowship cohort. We hope that you will join us in this exciting and rewarding journey of intercultural exchange and learning!



In conclusion, the CrossCulture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 is a prestigious and impactful fellowship program that offers young professionals and committed volunteers from different countries and regions the opportunity to expand their horizons and gain new perspectives through intercultural dialogue and learning. The program is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFRA).

The 2024 Fellowship in Germany will enable selected fellows to spend eight to twelve weeks in Germany, working with a host organization that matches their field of interest and expertise. The fellows will also participate in various activities and events that will enrich their cultural and professional experiences. The fellowship will cover all the costs and provide comprehensive support to the fellows throughout the program.

The program has supported more than 800 fellows from over 40 countries and regions since its inception. The fellows have contributed to the development of their host and home organizations and communities through their knowledge, skills, and ideas. The program has also created a vibrant and active alumni network that continues to collaborate and exchange ideas on various topics and issues of common interest.

The program strives to ensure diversity and inclusivity in the selection of fellows. Therefore, the program encourages applications from women, people with disabilities, and members of minority or marginalized groups. The application deadline for the Cross-Culture Program Fellowship in Germany 2024 is January 31, 2024.


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