Türkiye Announces Fully Funded Scholarships 2024 for Undergraduate Students


Türkiye Announces Fully Funded Scholarships 2024 for Undergraduate Students
Türkiye Announces Fully Funded Scholarships 2024 for Undergraduate Students

Are you an undergraduate student looking for a life-changing opportunity to pursue your education abroad? Do you want to study in one of the most dynamic and diverse countries in the world? If yes, then you should not miss this chance to apply for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024!


Türkiye's fully funded scholarships are a unique and generous initiative by the Turkish government to support talented and deserving students from all over the world. These scholarships cover all the costs of studying and living in Turkey, as well as providing many other benefits and opportunities. In this post, we will tell you everything you need to know about Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024 and how you can apply for them.


Türkiye's Commitment to Education

Türkiye is a country that values education and culture as the pillars of its development and progress. Turkey has a long and rich history of fostering education, from the ancient civilizations to the modern republic. Türkiye has also been a hub of learning and exchange for many cultures and civilizations throughout history, such as the Anatolian, Ottoman, and Islamic civilizations.

Türkiye's commitment to education is reflected in its investment in its own educational system as well as its support for international students. Turkey has one of the largest and most diverse higher education systems in the world, with over 200 public and private universities offering a wide range of programs and disciplines. Türkiye also hosts more than 200,000 international students from over 180 countries, making it one of the most popular destinations for higher education in the world.

Türkiye's scholarship programs are one of the main ways that Türkiye supports international students and promotes its educational and cultural values. Türkiye has been offering scholarship programs for international students since 1992 and has awarded more than 150,000 scholarships to students from over 160 countries. Türkiye's scholarship programs aim to create a network of future leaders, scholars, and professionals who will contribute to the development of their own countries and the world, as well as foster mutual understanding and cooperation among different cultures and civilizations.


Key Features of Turkey's Fully Funded Scholarships

Türkiye's fully funded scholarships for 2024 are open to undergraduate students from all over the world who want to pursue their bachelor's degree in Türkiye. The scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, leadership potential, and social and cultural engagement. The scholarships are highly competitive and selective, and only a limited number of students are accepted each year.

The application process for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024 is online and free of charge. The application period starts on January 15, 2024, and ends on February 20, 2024. The applicants are required to fill out an online application form, upload their academic transcripts, certificates, and other documents, and choose up to 12 universities and programs that they want to apply for in Turkey. The applicants are also required to take a language proficiency test, such as TOEFL, IELTS, or YÖS, depending on the language of instruction in their chosen programs.

The scholarships cover all the costs of studying and living in Turkey, including:

  • Full tuition fee waiver for the duration of the programa.
  • Monthly stipend of 800 Turkish Liras (approximately $95) for undergraduate students.
  • Free accommodation in university dormitories or a monthly housing allowance of 500 Turkish Liras (approximately $60) for students who prefer to live outside the campus.
  • Free health insurance and access to public health services.
  • One-time round-trip flight ticket from the home country to Turkey and back.
  • One-year Turkish language course for students who need to improve their Turkish proficiency
  • Academic, social, and cultural orientation and guidance throughout the program.
  • Participation in various cultural and extracurricular activities, such as seminars, workshops, excursions, festivals, and sports events.


Benefits of Turkey's Scholarships for Undergraduate Students

Türkiye's fully funded scholarships for 2024 offer more than just financial support for undergraduate students. They also offer a unique and enriching experience of studying and living in Turkey, which has many benefits and advantages, such as: 

  • Academic opportunities and program offerings: Turkey's universities offer a wide range of undergraduate programs in various fields and disciplines, such as engineering, medicine, law, business, the humanities, social sciences, the arts, and more. Türkiye's universities are also recognized and accredited by international organizations and institutions, such as the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the Bologna Process, and the World University Rankings. Türkiye's universities also have strong academic partnerships and collaborations with other prestigious universities around the world, providing opportunities for exchange programs, joint degrees, and research projects. 
  • Cultural experiences and networking opportunities: Turkey is a country that has a rich and diverse culture, heritage, and history, as well as a vibrant and modern society. Türkiye is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa and has been influenced by many civilizations and cultures throughout history, such as the Anatolian, Ottoman, and Islamic civilizations. Türkiye is also a member of various regional and international organizations, such as NATO, the Council of Europe, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the G20. Türkiye's scholarships provide an opportunity for students to experience and learn about Türkiye's culture, history, and society, as well as to interact and network with people from different backgrounds, perspectives, and interests.
  • Success stories of previous scholarship recipients: Türkiye's scholarships have produced many successful and inspiring alumni who have gone on to pursue their careers and goals in various fields and sectors, such as academia, politics, business, media, the arts, and more. Türkiye's scholarships have also created a strong and active alumni network, which connects and supports the current and former scholarship recipients as well as promoting Türkiye's values and vision. Türkiye's scholarships have also contributed to the development and progress of the home countries and regions of the scholarship recipients, as well as to global peace and cooperation.


How to Apply for Turkey's Fully Funded Scholarships

If you are interested in applying for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024, you should follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of Türkiye Scholarships at [www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr] and create an account with your personal and contact information.
  • Log in to your account and fill out the online application form with your academic, personal, and social information. You will also need to upload your academic transcripts, certificates, and other documents, such as your passport, language proficiency test scores, and letters of recommendation.
  • Choose up to 12 universities and programs that you want to apply for in Turkey. You can search and filter the available programs by field, discipline, language, city, and university on the website. You can also view the details and requirements of each program on the website.
  • Submit your application before the deadline of February 20, 2024. You will receive a confirmation email after your submission. You can also track the status of your application on the website.
  • Wait for the announcement of the shortlisted candidates, who will be invited for an online or in-person interview. The interviews will be conducted by a panel of experts and representatives from Türkiye Scholarships and the relevant universities. The interviews will assess your academic performance, motivation, leadership potential, and social and cultural engagement.
  • Wait for the final results of the scholarship selection, which will be announced on the website and via email. The successful candidates will receive an official letter of acceptance and a scholarship agreement, which they will need to sign and return to Türkiye Scholarships. The successful candidates will also receive information and guidance on the visa process, travel arrangements, and enrollment procedures.


Deadline and Important Dates

The deadline for applying for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024 is February 20, 2024. You should not miss this deadline, as late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Here are some key dates and milestones that you should keep in mind throughout the application process:

  • January 15, 2024: The online application system opens.
  • February 20, 2024: The online application system closes.
  • March-April 2024: The shortlisted candidates are announced and invited for interviews.
  • May-June 2024: The final results of the scholarship selection are announced.
  • July-August 2024: The successful candidates complete the visa process, travel arrangements, and enrollment procedures.
  • September 2024: The scholarship program starts with a one-year Turkish language course.
  • October 2025: The scholarship program continues with the undergraduate degree program.


FAQs about Turkey's Fully Funded Scholarships

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024: 

  • Q: Who can apply for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024?

Answer: Türkiye's fully funded scholarships for 2024 are open to undergraduate students from all over the world who have completed their high school education or are in their last year of high school. The applicants must be under the age of 21 as of July 1, 2024. The applicants must also meet the academic and language requirements of their chosen programs.


  • Q: What are the academic and language requirements for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024?

Answer: The academic and language requirements vary depending on the field, discipline, and university of the chosen programs. The applicants must have a minimum high school GPA of 70% or equivalent. The applicants must also have a valid language proficiency test score, such as TOEFL, IELTS, or YÖS, depending on the language of instruction in their chosen programs. The minimum required scores are: 

  1. For programs in Turkish: YÖS score of at least 40
  2.  For programs in English: TOEFL score of at least 80 or an IELTS score of at least 6.5 
  3. For programs in other languages: TOEFL score of at least 60 or an IELTS score of at least 5.5


  • Q: How many scholarships are available for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024?

Answer: The exact number of scholarships available for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024 has not been announced yet, but it is expected to be similar to the previous years. In 2023, Turkey will award 5,000 scholarships to undergraduate students from 167 countries.


  • Q: Can I apply for more than one program or university in Türkiye?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for up to 12 programs or universities in Turkey, in order of your preference. However, you can only receive one scholarship offer, based on your academic performance, interview results, and program availability.


  • Q: Can I change my program or university after receiving the scholarship offer?

Answer: No, you cannot change your program or university after receiving the scholarship offer, unless there is a valid reason, such as health, security, or academic issues. In that case, you will need to submit a request to Türkiye Scholarships and obtain their approval.


  • Q: What are the obligations and responsibilities of the scholarship recipients?

Answer: The scholarship recipients are expected to comply with the rules and regulations of Turkish Scholarships, their host universities, and Turkish laws. The scholarship recipients are also expected to maintain a satisfactory academic performance, attend the Turkish language course, participate in cultural and social activities, and represent Turkey and their home countries in a positive way. The scholarship recipients are also expected to return to their home countries after completing their studies and contribute to their development and progress.


Testimonials from Previous Turkish Scholarship Recipients

Don't just take our word for it. Hear from some of the previous Turkish scholarship recipients who have shared their experiences and success stories with us. Here are some of their testimonials:

  • "Studying in Türkiye with a scholarship transformed my life. I was able to study at one of the best universities in Turkey and learn from the experts in my field. I also made many friends from different countries and cultures and enjoyed the beauty and diversity of Turkey. Türkiye scholarship helped me achieve my academic and professional goals, and I am very grateful for that." Fatima, Morocco, Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
  • "Türkiye scholarship was a dream come true for me. I always wanted to study abroad and experience a different culture and environment. The Türkiye scholarship gave me that chance and more. I studied at a prestigious university and received a high-quality education. I also learned a lot about Turkey's history, culture, and society and participated in many cultural and social activities. The Turkish scholarship was an unforgettable and rewarding experience for me." Ahmed, Pakistan, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bilkent University
  • "I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to study in Türkiye with a scholarship. I was able to pursue my passion and interest in art and design and study at a creative and inspiring university. I also explored the rich and diverse culture and heritage of Turkey and visited many historical and natural sites. Türkiye scholarship opened my eyes and mind to new possibilities and perspectives, and I am very thankful for that." Maria, Colombia, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University



Türkiye's fully funded scholarships for 2024 are a unique and generous initiative by the Turkish government to support talented and deserving students from all over the world. These scholarships cover all the costs of studying and living in Turkey, as well as providing many other benefits and opportunities. Türkiye's fully funded scholarships for 2024 offer a unique and enriching experience of studying and living in Türkiye, which has many benefits and advantages, such as academic opportunities and program offerings, cultural experiences and networking opportunities, and success stories of previous scholarship recipients.


Call to Action

If you are an undergraduate student looking for a life-changing opportunity to pursue your education abroad, you should not miss this chance to apply for Turkey's fully funded scholarships for 2024. The deadline for applying is February 20, 2024, and the application process is online and free of charge. You can find more information and apply on the official website of Türkiye Scholarships at [www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr].

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Apply now and join the Türkiye scholarship family. You will not regret it. Türkiye awaits you with open arms and a warm heart. 🇹🇷

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