

Are you a teacher who wants to pursue further education in Japan? Do you want to learn from the best practices and innovations in Japanese education? If yes, then you might be interested in applying for the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships 2024 for Teacher Training Students.

The MEXT scholarships are prestigious awards offered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan to international students who wish to study in Japan. The scholarships cover various fields and levels of study, from undergraduate to doctoral degrees.

In this post, we will focus on the 2024 scholarships specifically for teacher-training students. These scholarships are designed for teachers who are currently working at primary or secondary schools in their home countries and who want to improve their teaching skills and knowledge through a teacher training program in Japan.


Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the MEXT scholarships for teacher training students, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Academic requirements: You must have graduated from a university or teacher training school and have at least five years of experience as a teacher in a primary or secondary school in your home country as of October 1, 2024.
  • Nationality and age criteria: You must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan and be born on or after April 2, 1984.
  • Language proficiency requirements: You must have sufficient knowledge of the Japanese language to pursue your studies in Japan. You may be required to take a Japanese language test as part of the selection process.


Application Process

To apply for the MEXT scholarships for teacher training students, you need to follow these steps:

  • Online application procedure: You need to fill out an online application form on the MEXT website and submit it along with the required documents. You can access the online application form here: [link to the official MEXT website]
  • Required documents: You need to prepare and submit the following documents along with your online application form:
  • Application form
  •  Certificate of graduation or expected graduation from your last academic institution
  • Certificate of employment as a teacher
  • Certificate of health 
  • Recommendation letter from your principal or supervisor
  • Personal statement 
  • Photograph
  • Passport copy
  • Application deadlines: The application deadlines may vary depending on your country of origin and the Japanese embassy or consulate in charge of your application. You can check the specific deadlines for your country.


Benefits of the MEXT Scholarships

The MEXT scholarships for teacher training students offer the following benefits to successful applicants:

  1. Tuition coverage: The scholarships cover the full tuition fees for the teacher training program at a Japanese university designated by MEXT.
  2. Monthly stipend: The scholarships provide a monthly stipend of 143,000 yen (approximately 1,300 USD) to cover the living expenses in Japan.
  3. Travel expenses: The scholarships cover the round-trip airfare between your home country and Japan, as well as the transportation fees within Japan.
  4. Accommodation support: The scholarships offer assistance in finding accommodation in Japan, either at a university dormitory or at a private rental.


Special Considerations for Teacher Training Students

The MEXT scholarships for teacher training students have some special considerations that you need to be aware of:

  • Overview of teacher training programs covered by the scholarship: The teacher training programs covered by the scholarship are one-year courses that consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, field trips, and research projects on various aspects of education in Japan. The programs aim to enhance the professional competence and leadership skills of the teacher training students, as well as foster their understanding of Japanese culture and society.
  • Opportunities for cultural exchange and professional development: The teacher training programs also offer opportunities for the teacher training students to interact with Japanese teachers and students, as well as with other international students from different countries and regions. The programs also organize various cultural and academic events, such as excursions, festivals, symposiums, and conferences, to enrich the learning experience and broaden the horizons of the teacher-training students.


Testimonials and Success Stories

To give you a glimpse of what it is like to be a MEXT scholarship recipient in a teacher training program, here are some testimonials and success stories from previous MEXT scholarship recipients in teacher training programs:

  •  Testimonial 1: "My life was never the same after I received the MEXT scholarship for teacher training. I learned a lot from the teacher training program, especially about the Japanese education system, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. I also made many friends from different countries and cultures, and I enjoyed the beauty and diversity of Japan. The MEXT scholarship helped me grow as a teacher and as a person, and I am very grateful for this experience." - A teacher from Indonesia completed the teacher training program at Tokyo University of Education in 2022.
  • Testimonial 2: "had a wonderful experience with the teacher training program that the MEXT scholarship offered me. I gained valuable insights and skills from the teacher training program, especially about Japanese teaching methods, classroom management, and student motivation. I also had the chance to visit many schools and observe the teaching practices and learning environments in Japan. The MEXT scholarship enriched my professional and personal development, and I highly recommend it to other teachers who want to pursue further education in Japan." - A teacher from Ghana completed the teacher training program at Hiroshima University in 2023.


Tips for a Successful Application

To increase your chances of getting the MEXT scholarship for teacher training, here are some tips for preparing a strong application:

  • Guidance on preparing a strong application: You need to prepare your application carefully and thoroughly, paying attention to the details and requirements of the online application form and the required documents. You need to make sure that your application is complete, accurate, and consistent, and that it reflects your academic and professional achievements, goals, and motivations.
  • Recommendation letters and personal statements: You need to obtain a recommendation letter from your principal or supervisor that attests to your qualifications, performance, and potential as a teacher. You also need to write a personal statement that explains why you want to apply for the MEXT scholarship for teacher training, what you expect to learn from the teacher training program, and how you plan to apply your learning to your teaching practice and career development.
  • Interview tips: You may be invited to an interview by the Japanese embassy or consulate in charge of your application. You need to prepare for the interview by reviewing your application materials, researching the teacher training program and the Japanese education system, and practicing your Japanese language skills. You need to be confident, courteous, and professional during the interview and demonstrate your enthusiasm, interest, and suitability for the MEXT scholarship for teacher training.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the MEXT scholarships for teacher training:

  • Q: How many MEXT scholarships for teacher training are available each year?

Answer :The number of MEXT scholarships for teacher training may vary each year depending on the budget and the availability of the teacher training programs. However, the number is usually around 100 to 150 per year, distributed among different countries and regions.

  • Q: How competitive is the MEXT scholarship for teacher training?

Answer: The MEXT scholarship for teacher training is highly competitive, as it attracts many qualified and motivated applicants from around the world. The selection process is rigorous and comprehensive, involving screening of the online application forms and documents, Japanese language tests, and interviews.

Q: How long is the duration of the MEXT scholarship for teacher training?

Answer: The MEXT scholarship for teacher training covers a one-year teacher training program in Japan, starting on October 1, 2024, and ending on September 30, 2025. The scholarship also covers the travel time before and after the program, as well as the orientation period and the graduation ceremony.

  • Q: Can I extend or renew the MEXT scholarship for teacher training?

Answer: No, the MEXT scholarship for teacher training is not extendable or renewable. You need to complete the teacher training program within the specified duration and return to your home country after the program. You also need to resume your teaching duties at your school after the program.

If you have any further questions about the MEXT scholarships for teacher training, you can contact the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country or visit the official MEXT website for more information and updates.



The MEXT scholarships for teacher training are a great opportunity for teachers who want to pursue further education in Japan and learn from the best practices and innovations in Japanese education. The scholarships offer various benefits, such as tuition coverage, a monthly stipend, travel expenses, and accommodation support, as well as opportunities for cultural exchange and professional development. The scholarships also have transformative potential for the teacher training students, as they can enhance their professional competence and leadership skills, as well as their understanding of Japanese culture and society.

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